I am so glad that the "Code Orange" terrorist alert
has been recinded.
All of our services and Bible studies are open again and are back to
functioning normally.
I know that Satan would love to tear me from the hands
of God, but he
cannot. For my feet are planted on the Solid Rock, which is Jesus my Messiah.
No devil, demon, or hateful man can ever pluck me from
my Lord's hands.
But now, however, I must boast in what the Lord did
We had an awesome and anointed worship service on Sunday
We had a volunteer minister, "Brother Ron," come to us from his home in New
The presence of God was all over the building. The Holy Spirit was
once again doing his regular work, tugging at the hearts of men, wooing them to
The altar was jammed!
About 40 men went to the front of the chapel
seeking a touch from the Lord.
Like people everywhere, prison inmates go through tremendous
trials and
difficult circumstances.
I am thankful that God's "throne of grace" is always
open. At the altar
some men rededicated their lives to Crist. A few surrendered to Jesus
for the
first time.
Most, however, were seeking God's help for their personal
family needs.
Then, later on Sunday afternoon, when we had our beginner's
Bible class,
some of these men spoke openly about thier particular issues and situations.
Edwin asked for prayer for his father, who is in his
70's, and who has a
fast growing tumor in his brain. His dad is scheduled for surgery very
Robert needed prayer for his brother who is in a coma
after a bad
epilectic seizure complicated by diabetes.
"Brother King" asked for prayer that the Holy Spirit
will continue to give
him strength and comfort. Several weeks ago he had to bury his twenty-four
year old daughter who lost her life to cancer.
And Nathan poured out his heart to us saying how much
he wanted to get
closer to God.
Nathan has been in prison for about thirty years. He had been "hit" by
the parole board two times already. Fortunately thouugh, his wife has
stuck by
him through all this. This is an exception, for sure.
Nate's wife is a strong Christian. She's always been praying for him,
never giving up on her mate, always believing that the Lord would save her
husband from his sins.
It is so good being able to pray to a faithful and
loving God who answers
prayers. I am thankful, too, for the privilege of being part of a Christian
fellowship that is persistently involved in one another's lives.
We have our faults and shortcomings, of course. But overall, the members
of our congratation do try to help each other.
We confront one another in love. We give encouragement as well as
emotional and spiritual suport. And physical help is provided also when
have needs, be it giving another prisoner a pair of winter gloves, or handling
out a few postage stamps to the men who cannot afford them.
David Berkowitz
January 19, 2004
(c)2004 David Berkowitz