Son of Hope

FEBRUARY 14, 2004 a walk in the yard

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VOLUME a JUNE 2001 My Birthday, Another Miracle
VOLUME b JUNE 2001 Setting Things in Order, I Will Bless the Lord
VOLUME c JUNE 2001 I'm Only An Example, God's Mercy
VOLUME a OCTOBER 2002 Lockdown, Sniper Shootings
VOLUME b OCTOBER 2002 Caught Sleeping, Larry King, Suffering
VOLUME NOVEMBER 2002a Three For Jesus, Getting Out
VOLUME b NOVEMBER 2002 Jailhouse Missionaries, Wendell Judd
VOLUME c NOVEMBER 2002 Weakness, Thanksgiving
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VOLUME (b) DECEMBER 2002 Andy Tant, The Choice is Yours
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volume a May 2006 He's Always With Me
VOLUME b May 2006 1-800-BADADVICE
VOLUME c MAY 2006 Open Doors, God's Will
VOLUME JUNE 2006 (a) Birthday Move, Painting a New Cell
VOLUME JUNE 2006 (b) Prison Retreat, Larry's Coat
VOLUME JUNE 2006 (c) God's Presence, True Love
VOLUME JUNE 2006 (d)Betrayal, Surprise Good News
A Statement of Facts


     There are still large mounds of snow outside and the temperature remains below freezing.  Yet this morning the sun's rays seemed very strong.  Spring is on the way!


     It was good to be outdoors, and I was able to walk with my Christian friends, Alan and Robert. 


     We needed the fresh air, and I needed the healing touch of the sun to help overcome my recent bout with the flu.  I still have traces of it in my lungs.


     The two correction officers who were assigned to observe the prisoners in the yard both happened to be Christians, too.  So the three of us were able to greet the officers and say "God bless you" to them without anything being out of

the ordinary.


     I also felt a sense of security knowing that the guards who were assigned to patrol the yard were Christians.  For at this facility there are only a handful of officers who are open believers in Jesus Christ (maybe six, total).


     Anyhow, Alan, Rob and myself had a good time together.  And we're an odd trio

because, as inmates come from all walks of life and many diverse backgrounds, Alan has a college degree and he had been a pharmacist.  Robert was a police officer.  I was a postal worker.


     Then, several minutes before the call was made for us to return to our respective cell blocks, the three of us were able to have a time of prayer together. 


     It was a refreshing morning.


      David Berkowitz

      February 14, 2004


 (c) 2004 David Berkowitz


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